Product Reviews for Basement Window Installation – Husqvarna Saws
TAGS: Adding egress windows | Egress windows | Installing an Egress Window
As more and more enterprising homeowners take charge of their own basement remodel, we thought we’d offer some tips and tricks straight from the contractors. Here are our thoughts on three of the most popular saws used for cutting windows in concrete walls. A basement window installation for egress is kind of like installing a swimming pool – it involves a lot more than just digging a big hole! One challenge, for example, is cutting the gaps for basement windows right through the existing walls of your home. Here are three popular products from Husqvarna you can use for cutting …Continue reading →
Basement Escape Window – Not Just for Fire
TAGS: Egress windows | emergeny escape | means of egress | safe basement exit
A means of egress is an essential in any basement apartment – both legally, and practically. But it’s not only fire than makes installing a basement escape window an important idea; as one Pennsylvania woman recently discovered. When Rosalyn Willis, 59, journeyed into the basement of her Berks county home, she had no idea that she wouldn’t remerge for three whole days. She was checking on a power outage in her Douglass Township home, likely caused by water than had flooded her basement. After clambering down the stairs, however, the rickety wooden steps collapsed behind her – trapping her downstairs. …Continue reading →
Fiberglass Window Wells for a Tight Space
TAGS: Adding egress windows | Egress windows
When space is at a premium, our fiberglass window wells might be the answer. Recently, we received a question from a homeowner in Baltimore; who was refurbishing their basement, but was facing trouble fitting a code-compliant basement window. “I live in an old 1950s townhouse,” wrote David Cearn, “and we don’t have a yard, so much as an alleyway.” When David asked a couple of contractors about installing a means of egress in his basement, he got the same reply from both of them: “There’s not enough room.” That’s because egress window wells are normally installed with crushed stone or …Continue reading →
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