
Family Fire Drills: Don’t Forget the Basement Route TAGS: | | |

Egress windows are an important safety addition to any basement redesign – but learning to use them effectively is equally important. Clarence Klein, from Cleveland Ohio, takes fire drills very seriously. “When I was just a kid,” he explains, “I lost my dad to a fire in our home.” Even thirty years later, it’s a terrifying memory that stays with him. “That’s why I’m a bit obsessive about fire safety in my own house.” For Clarence, that means running his own family through twice annual fire drills – outlining all the escape routes from the home, and where to meet …Continue reading


Get Out of the Dungeon with Natural Basement Lighting TAGS: | | | | |

A finished basement can add lots of extra room to your home – but the lack of natural light can leave it dark and unwelcoming – almost like a dungeon. Adding an egress window is one great solution to bring natural light to every level of your home. Kelly loves the sun. “As far as I’m concerned, the most beautiful part of any home is the sunlight.” That was why she bought her beautiful Cape home, overlooking the park in Babylon, New York. “You can spend as much as you want on decorating, but none of it will make your …Continue reading

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Hi, I'm Jeff. I will be using this space to share my thoughts and opinions that I have accumulated over many years in the building industry. My hope is to also teach and inspire.

This will also be a location for important industry news and product information. Featured items and sales can also be found here. Subscribe, or check back often to keep up to date on what is happening in the world of Egress Windows.

I welcome comments on any of the posts and I would love to get suggestions from you for topics you would like to learn about in upcoming posts.

Jeff Ommundsen
(229) 234-7377
President of Shop Egress Windows, Inc.